Expert guidance: how to choose a high quality water-saving toilet

Sanitary Ware Sanitary Ware Sanitary Ware Sanitary Ware is a key to saving water and energy. Today, when it comes to resource conservation, the waste of water resources is still serious, and domestic water waste accounts for a major part of the waste of urban water resources. However, as people's awareness of environmental protection has gradually increased, many people have also taken into consideration the issue of water conservation when purchasing toilets. At present, China's ceramic sanitary ware manufacturers are playing a "water saving card" and introduced a variety of water-saving sanitary ware products, but the water-saving toilet on the market can achieve water-saving effect? How much do people know about water-saving toilets?

Brand shop: Denway bathroom

It can be found that when businesses sell and publicize toilets, they all put the slogan of water saving in the first place. The brand of water-saving toilets is also dazzling. The water-saving effect of various toilets is also better than a publicity, from a 6 litre toilet to 5 litres, 4 liters, and even a 2.7 litre water-saving toilet. This variety of brands and the variety of phenomena make many consumers feel that Zhang’s two monks are puzzled. Although many consumers are using water-saving toilets under the national standard and have the consciousness of purchasing water-saving toilets, their concept of water-saving toilets is not very clear, and they do not understand the types and differences of toilets.

Brand shop: Wrigley

What type of toilet is water-saving?

Yin Jian, senior engineer at the China Quality Certification Center, said that under the conditions of guaranteeing hygiene requirements, function, and drainage pipe transportation capacity, no leakage, and a flusher with a flushing volume of no more than 6 liters is a water-saving toilet. The toilet and its associated water tanks and fittings, pipes, fittings, connections and installation technology shall be used. The water consumption for each flushing cycle shall not exceed 6 liters, which means that the waste can be flushed away from the toilet water trap and discharged into gravity. The product system of the discharge system is a water-saving toilet system.

Ware purchase toilet

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