Crop spring and summer pest control (2)

Symptoms of sorghum sorghum smut: mainly occur on the ear. The victim sorghum panicle turns into a large gray bag. After the outer membrane ruptures, a large amount of black powder is scattered, and at the same time, a bundle of scattered egg filaments (ie, vascular bundles) is exposed. In a few cases, only part of the floret is killed, or Obvious gray nodules are produced on the leaves of the part, and the vascular bundles of the leaves are not broken after the outer membrane is broken. After the silky black spikes of the main stalks are destroyed, the tillering ears of the Changshan Mountain are still silky black spikes.
Control method: cut down the diseased plant in time. Under the rupture of the ash package, the diseased plants are cut off and pulled out of the ground for centralized destruction. The smut is a systemic infection disease. For example, only the diseased ear is cut off, and the tiller is still black. If the animal is fed with the diseased ear or the manure, the manure must be thoroughly cooked before use.
Symptoms of sorghum damage: high mistletoe feeds on the back of the host crop, and the early stage is mostly harmful to the lower leaves, gradually spreading to the upper leaves of the plant. The back of the leaf is covered with insects, and a large amount of honeydew is secreted and dripped on the lower leaves and stems: the oil shines brightly, so it is called "oil plant". Affect the photosynthesis and normal growth of plants. The color of the leaves is red, "bald neck", "tip", less spikes, high tannin content, and high quality rice, which seriously affects the yield and quality of sorghum.
Control method: agricultural control. Sorghum and soybean intercropping can be used to improve the microclimate in the field. 1 dusting powder with 1.5% dimethoate or 1.5% methyl parathion (methyl 1608) powder, 1. 5 kg to 2 kg; 2 using 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate 50 ml, mix well with equal amount of water, then add 10 kg to 15 kg of fine sand to make a poisonous sand to spread on the sorghum plant; 8 Dimethoate coated stems are diluted with 40% dimethoate into 100 times solution for coating, and 10 cm long liquid solution is applied to the green stem of the sorghum, which is applied one by one, and cannot be missed; 4 spray 50% Killing pine emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times to 3000 times, or using 2.5% deltamethrin or 20% pyrethroid 5000 times to 8000 times. Due to the different resistance of sorghum varieties, it is necessary to do a good drug test before large-scale control.
In the high incidence of sorghum, the density of insects is high and the area is high. When the locust population breeds fast, it can be sprayed with a low-capacity aircraft.
Symptoms of sorghum sorghum: The young larvae feed on the mesophyll in the heart leaves, leaving only the epidermis, which is window-like. When the age increases, it bites into irregular pores or breaks into the stem to feed, and some bites grow. The sorghum is formed into a heart-shaped shape, and the stem is easily folded.
Control methods: The prevention and treatment methods can be carried out with reference to the method of controlling corn borer, but it should be noted that the application of the heart leaf stage is best before the stems of the stems, that is, the larvae are harmful in the heart leaves. In addition, sorghum is extremely sensitive to trichlorfon and dichlorvos, and it is strictly forbidden to use it to prevent phytotoxicity.
Rice rice sheath blight is a symptom of the disease: it usually begins to develop in the tillering stage. Initially, water-stained oval spots appear on the leaf sheath near the surface of the water. Afterwards, the lesions increase and often heal each other into irregular large-sized cloud-like spots. The edges are brown and the middle is grayish green or light brown. The symptoms on the leaves are essentially the same as on the leaf sheath. The disease spreads from the bottom to the top. When it is serious, it can be on the flag leaf, and even cause the onset of the ear, and the large piece falls.
Control methods: Agricultural control: strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, avoid the late growth of rice, timely drying the field, control the ineffective tillering, promote the growth of rice, strengthen the disease resistance, and control the occurrence of disease. Timely application of pesticide protection: For the prevention and treatment of rice diseases, it is necessary to emphasize “prevention first”. Intensify the investigation in the tillering stage of each type of rice, and determine the prevention and treatment period according to the early onset of the disease, and determine the target field according to the severity of the disease.
Chilo suppressalis: There are 500 eggs per acre in Putian, and 50% insecticidal double 100 grams or 90% insecticidal single 50 grams spray 40 kg to 50 kg of water when the field sheath rate reaches 0.5%.
Rice planthopper: 500 rice worms from the end of the tillering stage to the early stage of the booting stage, sprayed with 25% to 30 grams of chlorpyrifos 25 grams or 10% of imidacloprid 20 grams to 30 kg to 40 kg of water.
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