CNC machine mattress iron use method

CNC machine mattress iron use method

How to use the iron of the CNC machine mattress : Put the used horn under the hole of the machine tool, insert the bolt, rotate it to the tightness of the load-bearing plate, and then adjust the level of the machine (the bolt rotates clockwise, the machine tool rises). After adjusting the machine level, tighten the nut and fix the horizontal state. The iron of the machine mattress can adjust the level of the bed body, and the adjustment range is large, convenient and fast. Steel plate horns are used in metalworking machine tools, satin presses, textiles, printing machinery, food processing machines, rubber machinery, wire and cable machinery, generators and heavy equipment. The installation of the machine requires good vibration reduction and considerable verticality to stabilize the machine on the ground and shorten the installation cycle. How to use the vibration damping horn of CNC machine tools : Select the model and quantity according to the weight of the machine tool.
After adjusting the machine tool level, tighten the nut to a fixed level. Because of the creep phenomenon in the rubber, when the CNC machine is used, the machine level is adjusted two weeks later. The damping rubber of the CNC machine mattress iron effectively weakens the vibration of the machine itself, reduces the vibration force transmission, prevents the transmission of vibration force, ensures the dimensional accuracy and quality of the processing, and controls the noise.
More details: http://SKJCDT2.html

'How to use the CNC machine mattress iron

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