Wild Rice Gene Experts "Draw" Frame

A few days ago, researchers in Sichuan completed the sequencing, splicing, and assembly of the genome coverage of common wild rice genomes, and obtained a framework diagram of whole genome de novo sequencing of common wild rice. This is the first wild rice whole genome sequencing project independently completed by our scientists, and it is also the world's first complete high-degree heterozygous wild rice genome-wide framework map.

It is reported that common wild rice contains many outstanding genes that people have not yet recognized and utilized. As wild rice and cultivated rice are closely related, most of the breakthroughs in conventional rice breeding so far have been related to the discovery of excellent genes for this wild rice. .

Gao Lizhi, a researcher and leader of the project team at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, stated that common wild rice is classified as a second-class protected plant in China, and the endangered status is the most serious among the three species of wild rice in China.

According to research, the average wild rice genome size is about 370 million base pairs, the total number of genes contained is about 40,000, the sequencing depth has reached 70 times the genome size, sequencing results have covered 92% of ordinary wild rice In the whole genome, the gene coverage is about 90% or more. Currently, the project team is stepping up the mapping of the genome of the common wild rice genome.

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