Current melon and fruit disease prevention and control technology

Cucumber downy mildew (1) After sunrise, the shed temperature is controlled at 25~30°C, the relative humidity is reduced to 60%~70% by ventilation, the temperature is lowered to 20~25°C in the afternoon, and the relative humidity is reduced to about 70%. (2) In the early stage of the disease, choose to close the greenhouse at noon on sunny days, so that the temperature near the growth point of the cucumber in the greenhouse rises to 45 °C but does not exceed 47 °C, maintain for 2 to 3 hours, and then gradually ventilate and cool down. When the shed is treated, the soil moisture content and the humidity in the shed are required to avoid burning the cucumber growth point. (3) 80% of the raw M~45 wettable powder 600 times solution, or 56% of the mountain wettable powder 600 times solution, or 75% of the dispersible granules 600 times solution, or 40% Dakko Ning suspension 600 times solution, or 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times solution and other spray prevention. Within 7 days after onset, 72.2% Plex water-soluble solution 800 times solution, or 50% Anke WP 2500 times solution, or 69% gold mine water-dispersible granule 600-800 times solution, or 72% gram can be used. It can be controlled by alternating spray of 800 times liquid of WP or 64% of WP WP 1000 times. It can also be used in greenhouse cultivation with 45% chlorothalonil fuming agent 200~250g or 5% chlorothalonil dusting agent 1kg smoked or dusting.

Vegetable gray mold disease In the early stage of the disease, timely spraying and prevention, spray once every 7~10 days, even spray 1~3 times, depending on the development of the disease. The medicine can be selected from 50% Nongliling wettable powder 1500 times liquid, or 40% Shijiale suspension agent 800~1000 times liquid, or 20% blue tide suspension agent 800~1000 times liquid, or 50% procymidone wettable powder 1500. Double liquid and so on. The greenhouse cultivation can also be controlled by the bacteriostatic agent, and the standard greenhouse per acre uses 45% of the bacteriostatic agent 250g. In order to prevent "drinking flowers", you can add 0.1% 50% sudanin suspension to the "drinking liquid".

In the early stage of melon and fruit blight, 50% dexamethasone 500~1000 times solution, or 70% Willda WP 1500~1000 times, or 25% Schwarz emulsifiable concentrate 1000~1500 times Liquid, or 50% cumin wettable powder 800 times solution, or 60% chlorophyll 500 times solution, combined with spray and root irrigation, each planting solution 250~500 ml, every 7~8 days 1 time, even 3 to 5 times.

In the early stage of the onset of powdery mildew, 50% Tsuibei dry suspension 3000 times solution, or 40% Fuxing emulsion 4000~6000 times liquid, or 10% high water dispersible granule 1500 times liquid, or 62.25% Xiansheng can be used. Wet powder 600 times liquid, or 15% powder rusting wettable powder 1500 times liquid, or 70% Welda canto wettable powder 800 times liquid, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times liquid, or 2% agricultural resistance 120 water agent 200 times liquid and other alternating spray control, spray once every 7~10 days, even spray 2~3 times. It can also be smoked in greenhouse cultivation. Mix 50 grams of sulfur and 500 grams of sawdust every 50 cubic meters, and divide it into several places; or use 45% chlorothalonil fuming agent to fumigate 250 grams per acre, and start fumigation in the evening. One night, the next morning, the shed was ventilated. The triadimefone agent should be used with caution in the flowering stage of watermelon.

Tomato leaf mold (1) Choose a sunny day at noon for about 30 hours at 30~33 °C, then ventilate and cool down. (2) Spray protection at the beginning of the disease, focusing on spraying the back of the blade, spraying once every 7~10 days, even spraying 1~3 times, depending on the development of the disease. The medicine can be selected with 40% Fuxing emulsifiable concentrate 6000 times solution, or 50% chlorhexidine suspension 1000 times solution, or 70% Willda ketone WP 600 times solution, or 70% product dry suspension agent 500~600 times. Liquid, or 20% Wuyimycin (Bo-10) water 150 times solution. The cultivation of greenhouses can also be controlled by smog, and each standard of greenhouses uses 45% of bacteriostatic agent 250g each time.
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