MAX705/ MAX706/ MAX707/MAX708 Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits
When a power-on, power-down or power supply is unstable, a low-level reset signal output is generated, the reset pulse width is 200ms , and when VCC=1V , the /RESET is guaranteed to be valid; when the Watchdog input fails to trigger within 1.6s , it will be low. Level-effective Watchdog output signal; 1.25V threshold monitor for power-down warning, low battery detection and monitoring of power supplies Other than +5V ; debounced TTL/CMOS compatible low level manual reset input; MAX707/708 except an active high reset signal Watchdog timer instead, other functions the same as MAX705 / 706; two power voltage monitoring levels, MAX705 / approaching 707 when the supply voltage is lower than 4.65V, a reset pulse is generated, the MAX706 /708 Generates a reset pulse when the power supply is below 4.40V ; 200μA quiescent current; VCC=+5V .
When a power-on, power-down or power supply is unstable, a low-level reset signal output is generated, the reset pulse width is 200ms , and when VCC=1V , the /RESET is guaranteed to be valid; when the Watchdog input fails to trigger within 1.6s , it will be low. Level-effective Watchdog output signal; 1.25V threshold monitor for power-down warning, low battery detection and monitoring of power supplies Other than +5V ; debounced TTL/CMOS compatible low level manual reset input; MAX707/708 except an active high reset signal Watchdog timer instead, other functions the same as MAX705 / 706; two power voltage monitoring levels, MAX705 / approaching 707 when the supply voltage is lower than 4.65V, a reset pulse is generated, the MAX706 /708 Generates a reset pulse when the power supply is below 4.40V ; 200μA quiescent current; VCC=+5V .
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