Plastics that vibrate in the sun can make solar panels more efficient

Imagine if solar panels can maintain maximum efficiency by purging dust. Such technology may soon become a reality. Researchers at the University of Technology in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and Humboldt University in Berlin have recently developed a polymer film that can vibrate when exposed to sunlight and can be used as a coating on solar panels in desert areas.

This flexible, thin plastic contains a photosensitive class of organic compounds called azo dyes. Michael Debije, a researcher at the Eindhoven University of Technology, said: "Under visible light, photoreceptors can flex and stretch. As these molecules are constrained by the crystalline polymer network, they will cause the material to vibrate."

In previous studies, researchers have developed a moving material at a specific UV intensity. In contrast, this new material requires only natural sunlight.

The research results were recently published in Nature News.

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