In addition to the disease, common diseases of tomatoes include powdery mildew , and diseases such as gray mold are harmful to the healthy growth of tomatoes. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt reasonable and effective methods for prevention and prevention.
1. Tomato late blight late blight is a kind of low temperature and high sexual disease. It is easy to be popular in the early spring and late autumn. The disease is harmful throughout the growth period of the tomato. The pathogen infects seedlings, leaves, stems and fruits. The leaves and fruits are the most seriously affected. Generally, the disease begins from the front end of the shed, and the leaves and young fruits are infested first, and gradually spread to the stems and petiole to make them dark brown. Treatment: Pesticide fungicide Fluoride cream is a good choice.
Second, tomato early blight The typical symptoms of early blight are mainly infested leaves, stems and fruits. Generally, the blade is seriously damaged, and the small black spot like the needle tip is continuously expanded into a striated spot. The edges are mostly light green or yellow halo, the surface of the wheel is slightly concave and elliptical or shuttle lesions, and the susceptible parts are thorny and uneven. When wet, the lesions grow moldy. Treatment methods; pesticide fungicides such as fluoride fungus is a good choice.
3. Powdery mildew Powdery mildew usually occurs in the middle and late growth stages. It begins to feel ill from the middle and lower leaves, and initially has white spots on the leaves, and then forms irregularly irregular white mold lesions on the leaves. In severe cases, the front and back sides of the leaves are covered with white powder until the leaves are dry. Treatment: Optional use of Nanjing Dr. Pesticide pesticide fungicide acetaminophen for prevention and treatment.
4. Botrytis cinerea Botrytis cinerea generally begins to develop from the tip of the leaf margin and expands in a typical v-shaped lesion, which also harms flowers and fruits. The disease occurs after the flowering period, the pathogen remains on the stigma, or the petals extend to the green fruit, the fruit surface and the fruit stalk. The diseased green fruit is grayish white and soft rot, and a large amount of gray-green mold layer grows. The agent is inoculated with urea.
Fifth, gray leaf spot gray leaf spot disease is also called brown spot disease. It mainly harms the leaves and also harms the petiole in severe cases. At the beginning of the disease, the leaf surface is covered with light brown dots, the middle part of the lesion is gray-brown to yellow-brown, the edge of the lesion is a yellow-brown halo, the lesion is sunken, and the lesion is easy to perforate. Treatment: Due to its sudden onset of disease, it is recommended to use 25% Amishida suspension 1500 times for prevention.
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